The Love family from North Carolina has been spotlighted often in our blogs & social media posts. Christin and her mother’s stories allow us to give you, our supporters, some insight into what it’s like to be family that needs and uses the Ronald McDonald House often. This time, we’re featuring Christin Love because she’s also been sharing her stories with school children back home in North Carolina.

A couple of the pictures with this post were taken at Cardinal Charter Academy in Cary, North Carolina where Christin spoke a few months ago. She shared her medical journey with them and told them how much she loves the Ronald McDonald House here in Columbus. As her mother, Michelle, tells us, “She shared with them that she has not been scared to go through all of the test, surgeries, and procedures that she has had because her family has been able to be with her and that could have only have happened because of the Ronald McDonald House.”
As Michelle explains in an email to us, “After hearing Christin’s story, Cardinal Charter Academy wanted to help out the Ronald McDonald House! They decided to support Christin’s RMH not only during this past school year but during the upcoming school year as well. They are doing this by making blankets for the welcome bags and collecting pop tabs for the House. One of Cardinal Charter’s teachers, Ms. Laurie Hohstadt, said that her 4th grade class has shown so much excitement in supporting the Ronald McDonald House that now the entire school is helping support Christin’s home away from home by collecting pop tabs in each classroom and at the front office!”
Thank you, Chirstin, for sharing your story back in your hometown area. Thanks, also, to Ms. Hohstadt and the student’s who send love and support to all of our families at the House. And thanks to all who have donated pop tabs and other items to the students so they can share that support with our families as well.