Lindy Brobeck Had Ties to RMHC Before Joining Development Team

By Lindy Brobeck, Development Dept. Intern

Hi! My name in Lindy Brobeck and I am an intern in the development department at Ronald McDonald House Charities of Central Ohio this summer. I am a current student at Marietta College in southeastern Ohio. I am getting a degree in educational studies, focusing specifically in nonprofit development. I also am a member of the women’s lacrosse team and have played for the last 13 years. I have been involved with the house for around 7 years in all different ways and could not be more excited to see what this summer’s opportunities bring!

Throughout the last 7 years I had the opportunity to see and do many things for and with the house. I had the chance to start and host 2 dance marathons at my high school raising around $13,000 for the house and was able to connect with a great family who has used the houses services. I also got to take some of my senior pictures in front of guest room#310 in the house, which is dedicated to my grandfather.

The House has given me the chance to realize and purse what I believe to be one of my biggest passions in life, which I like to say is people.
Saying that my passion is people does not always make the most sense with others, so this is what I mean: Whether at lunch with friends or just talking to a stranger at a function, I love people and learning how to help them be the happiest and most prosperous version of themselves I can. Pursing that passion for me means finding somewhere that has people as its main focus. It is safe to say the Ronald McDonald House of Central Ohio and the staff that work here put a very large focus on people and making life better for them.

I cannot wait to see what new and exciting things I will get to be a part of this summer at the house. This internship and the people I am connecting with because of it are amazing, and they too I believe have a very strong passion for people.