Bethany took her daughter to the best doctors near her home town in St. Louis to find out what was causing her serious health issue. There, she found the Ronald McDonald Family Room a tremendous help. But when one of the specialists said they did everything they could do, he recommended Bethany take her daughter to Nationwide Children’s Hospital in Columbus, where a Ronald McDonald House would be waiting for them. Click the image below for her story.
It’s estimated that 15 million children suffer from rare diseases. Here at the Ronald McDonald House, we see families come from all over the world coming to get help from Nationwide Children’s Hospital just across the street. That’s why Fenrici, a company which offers products specifically for children battling unusual diseases, has teamed up with us to collect short videos of support for these families. It’s in observance of Rare Disease Day on Tuesday, February 28. If you would like to upload a short selfie video giving your support – especially to other families going through the same thing – please click here or scan the QR code on the image below to be taken to the Capsule of Hope video site to submit your words of hope. You’ll also be able to see videos already uploaded giving support. Thank you.