With the start of the new year, you may have noticed that our website has a slightly new look. Over the holidays, we had the opportunity to install a new format provided to us by the Ronald McDonald House Charities global organization. We hope you like the refreshed look.
In addition to that change, our House has had a few other changes to the building. One impressive and very noticeable change in the House is our family dining area. The dark wood tables and chairs have been painted a cool gray and the blue walls have been painted with a lighter shade. The windowed area also has been wallpapered with a cool white birch tree pattern, bringing a lighter feel to the large room. The entire space was redecorated with funding and volunteering by The Blue Jackets Foundation with the Lady Jackets, (the wives & girlfriends of the Columbus Blue Jackets players & coaches).
Newly painted chairs & tables . -
New wallpaper in the western windowed corner of the dining room.
Finally, the other low-profile, but nonetheless important, project is the renovation of our stairwells. Gone is the carpeting from the landing. Carpets are a trap for dust and allergens, so these well-traveled spaces will be healthier areas for our families as well as everyone else taking a healthy climb up and down the stairs instead of using the elevators. The stairs themselves are getting a new epoxy coating, with the color being changed from a military green to a lighter gray. Thanks to our volunteer craftsmen for providing the elbow grease for this project. Supplies were provided by Quaker Chemical Corporation with PPG Industries at a deep discount for this project.
South stairs are next for fresh coating. -
Eastern stairs have the new coating.