During the month of May drill, she texts me to tell me her water broke. I replied and said “stop joking-it’s not funny.” She replied with “I’m serious-I’m
in an ambulance on my way to Columbus because it’s getting complicated.” I was astonished and speechless because the pregnancy was only 24 weeks.
After every procedure was over with at The Ohio State University Wexner Medical Center, our daughter was transferred to Nationwide Children’s Hospital, and there were a few of questions running through my head. “Is our baby going to make it?” “Where are we going to live for all of this?” “Why did this happen at only 24 weeks” I couldn’t find these answers, but on our second day at Nationwide Children’s Hospital, we were immediately given a place to stay, eat, and do everything to continue living our life at no cost.
The care, love, and warm hands Ronald McDonald House Charities of Central Ohio opened to us gave me lots of hope. I remember asking the manager if I can help in anyway during my stay here. They said “no, my dear, we want you to feel at home at have time for your baby!” The Columbus Ronald McDonald House is truly a house of hope.