Ronald McDonald Family Room Provides Sanctuary for Social Worker with a Son in Crisis

A view of the Ronald McDonald Family Room showing a couch and chairs with the kitchenette in the background.

By Rick Shepherd

As a social worker specializing in mental health in rural Ohio, Daniel’s mom is accustomed to helping others navigate crises. Little did she know, she would one day rely on the very resources she recommended to others when her son, Daniel, faced a mental health emergency.

Last March, Daniel expressed thoughts of ending his life, prompting his mother to seek immediate help at Nationwide Children’s Hospital in Columbus. Known for its excellent care in behavioral health emergencies, the hospital became their sanctuary during a tumultuous time.

Upon arrival at the Big Lots Behavioral Health Pavilion (BHP) at Nationwide Children’s Hospital, Daniel’s mom was pleasantly surprised to learn she could stay with her son throughout his inpatient care. This was made easier with the support of the Ronald McDonald Family Room, conveniently located on the fifth floor. Open daily from 9 a.m. to 9 p.m., except on major holidays, the family room provides a comforting space for families in similar situations.

Initially used for quick snacks and refreshments, the family room quickly became a lifeline for Daniel’s mom. Equipped with shower and laundry facilities, it offered her a chance to refresh herself during her son’s therapy sessions. “I’m the kind of person who likes to shower every day, changing clothes,” she shared, emphasizing the practicality and comfort the room provided during her extended stay.

Beyond the amenities, the compassionate staff at the Ronald McDonald Family Room made a lasting impression. Their attention to detail, like offering her a donated duffle bag for her belongings, exemplified Ronald McDonald House Charities’ commitment to supporting families in crisis.

Ironically, Daniel’s mom says the moments spent in the family room apart from Daniel proved valuable. It allowed him to open up to therapists about concerns he hadn’t shared with his parents, fostering deeper communication within the family. “He got to have somebody there with him who he felt more comfortable talking with,” Daniel’s mom explained, reflecting on how these sessions facilitated a breakthrough in their understanding of his struggles.

Now 18, Daniel continues his journey towards mental wellness, grateful for the care he received at the BHP with his dedicated mother there the entire time he was inpatient. Despite the challenges ahead, Daniel’s mom remains thankful for the support her son received at Nationwide Children’s Hospital and the Ronald McDonald Family Room where she could refresh. Her firsthand experience has strengthened her resolve to recommend the hospital to her clients and deepened her appreciation for the vital role of the BHP in providing comprehensive care with the RMFR right there to support the parents and family.

As she looks back on their experience, Daniel’s mom is a testament to the transformative impact of supportive healthcare environments like the partnership between NCH and RMHC. Her story underscores the importance of having room to recharge away from a young patient’s room in such a mental health hospital.