In November, one of our staff members spotted a young man carrying 258 pounds of pop tabs into the House. She stopped to help him and asked how in the world he was able to collect so many.
Caleb’s Mission
Caleb Silvia has always possessed a strong moral compass and pull towards altruism. His nonprofit, Caleb Cares 4 Kids, supports multiple causes for sick children. The organization’s main programs include a toy drive for Nationwide Children’s Hospital, a pop tab collection for RMHC and a scholarship for college students who have faced medical challenges.
The idea for Caleb Cares 4 Kids took root back in 2012, when Caleb was just eight years old. Instead of traditional Christmas gifts, he wanted to collect toys for children at Nationwide Children’s Hospital.
Caleb’s Journey

His passion for collecting toys sparked from his own past. When he was almost three years old, Caleb had to stay in the hospital for a week due to a new diagnosis of Kawasaki Disease.
Caleb couldn’t recall much other than the joy the toy cart brought him. That memory stuck with him and encouraged him to start a Christmas toy drive six years later. He called it Caleb Cares 4 Kids, and little did he know what this toy drive would someday grow into.
Since 2012, Caleb Cares 4 Kids has expanded exponentially, donating over 5,000 toys to hospitalized children. In 2015, the organization became a nonprofit. They began to host fundraisers throughout the year and to look into other ways of supporting children with illnesses.

Pop Tabs
As his organization began to grow, he realized he could help families with sick children by collecting pop tabs for RMHC. Caleb and his family had been collecting pop tabs as long as he could remember, so it felt like the natural next step for Caleb Cares 4 Kids.
“As we were collecting pop tabs ourselves, we realized that we could collect them here in Zanesville and around the area then deliver those,” Caleb said. “So, we spread the word and, over time, we were able to collect more and more.”
Caleb estimated that the organization collects about 100 pounds of pop tabs every year. Most of their donations come from individuals, organizations, churches, 4H and schools. Caleb provides large containers with the Caleb Cares for Kids logo on it for restaurants and bars to collect the tabs. Every November, Caleb and his team make their rounds, picking up the pop tabs throughout the area.

When Caleb visits the House, he’s always struck by the sense of warmth he encounters.
“That sense of home away from home has always stuck out to me,” said Caleb. “It’s amazing that there is a place for these families to go when their kids are sick or in a hospital with treatments.”
Caleb’s Next Steps
People like Caleb help make the world a better place and keep organizations like RMHC running. He plans on earning his MBA to navigate business leadership and to hopefully expand Caleb Cares 4 Kids. We can’t wait to see what all his future holds.
Thank you, Caleb, for your kind heart and spirit.