While we waited on a heart for Avery, we were separated from our other children who were home in West Virginia. We had never been apart for even one day. Avery and her sisters cried every day for each other. We longed for any type of normalcy where we could all be together and focus on Avery getting better. At that time someone suggested the Ronald McDonald House.
Our stay at RMH was as comfortable as a second home. We were able to cook meals, have bath time, play on the playground, do our laundry, and meet families going through similar situations. The staff was so supportive, they made sure we had everything we could possibly need from cleaning supplies, food, drinks, toiletries, and laundry detergent, as well as being emotionally supportive when they knew we needed a chat.

Our family’s hope is that RMHC can always be around to support families like ours. Since the start of our journey, we have stayed with RMH for a total of 247 nights. Avery will have lifelong care at Nationwide Children’s Hospital, and we will continue to stay at RMH with each visit. The ability to have the comfort of a second home just across the street while Avery is receiving treatment is incredible, and so very important for us. There comes a time in any long medical journey when you just need out of the hospital room, to gather your bearings, to relax, to sleep – that is where the RMH steps in. It is a service that families cannot live without.
– The Sweat Family