Leia, a mother from Athens, Ohio, previously stayed at the Columbus Ronald McDonald House for four months last year. Now, she has written us an update on her twin boys:
Leia’s Update
“Forrest and Wynston Chadwell were born at 30 weeks and one day! Which required a NICU stay at Grant and Nationwide Children’s Hospital in Columbus. My kiddos were on CPAP and BiPAP machines for a little while. They also were on oxygen for some time. Wynston, our youngest twin, had feeding difficulties. But he overcame it after being in the hospital for some time.
“We put a lot of time and effort in to getting the boys where they need to be. We were at the Ronald McDonald House for 119 days. We are forever grateful for our stay at the House. Everyone was very friendly. I also made a lifetime friend from the staying at the House. Our kids were born about 10 days apart.
“Overall, the twins are thriving now. They are hitting all of our milestones and growing like weeds. They are now a year and a half, and it feels like they were just born yesterday. The boys love to eat, play and pick on their older brother Corey. It’s been such an amazing journey of watching them grow from tiny little preemie babies to the big boys they are today!
“The twins and their older brother are expecting another addition to our family in April. The twins are being promoted to BIG BROTHERS.”

How to Help
Thank you, Leia, for sharing this wonderful news and your heartwarming story. You can read the blog post we wrote about the twins while their family stayed at the House here.
Each year, RMHC of Central Ohio serves over 100 families from Athens County in Ohio. To some families in Athens, Ronald McDonald is a household name.
This spring, you can help families like Leia’s by supporting Ohio University’s BobcaThon. BobcaThon is more than just an event; it’s a movement of students, faculty, advisors, families and communities united by the belief that healing happens better when families are together.
Each year, students gather together to raise funds in a dance marathon to help families in Athens staying at the Ronald McDonald House of Central Ohio. You can learn more about BobcaThon or support the cause at the button below.