The Heart of Healing

Baby lays in a crib with a onesie on which reads, "Daddy's new boss."

The Heart of Healing: A Family’s Journey with the Ronald McDonald House

By Rick Shepherd

In the world of pediatric healthcare, where families often face unexpected challenges with their children, the Ronald McDonald House stands as a beacon of hope and support. For the O’Hara family from Newark, Ohio, this haven has been more than just a place to stay—it has been a lifeline during some of the most critical moments of their lives.

Meet the O’Hara family: Dad A’Lheija, Mom Victoria, and Grandpa William who know the Columbus Ronald McDonald House well. Their Columbus story revolves around their young daughter, Willow O’Hara, who has faced significant health hurdles since birth. Willow was born with a mass on her tongue and was later diagnosed with diabetes at just five years old. These early challenges brought the family to Nationwide Children’s Hospital and ultimately to the doors of the Columbus Ronald McDonald House.

Their journey began in 2016 when Willow was just a newborn. The family stayed at the Ronald McDonald House for three days while Willow underwent her initial treatments. Her parents say the sense of relief and support provided by the House was invaluable during that time. They returned in August 2021 when Willow was five years old, staying for a week while managing her diabetes.
“It was incredibly important to have the House right across the street from the hospital,” says A’Lheija who goes by “AJ.” “The proximity meant that we could be close to Willow, instead of driving 45 miles every day. It made a world of difference to be able to stay close by, especially when we were facing such a stressful time.”

One vivid memory that stands out for the O’Hara family is the night they received a call informing them that a room had become available at the Ronald McDonald House. “We were driving back to Newark every night because the House was full,” A’Lheija recalls. “When we got that call late one night, it was such a relief. It felt like a weight had been lifted off our shoulders.”
AJ says the family especially remembers the Blue Jackets Tree House within the Ronald McDonald House. It’s a special feature of the House. “Every time we see the Blue Jackets Tree House, we’re reminded of how important the House was to us,” Victoria says. “It’s a constant reminder of the support we received and the comfort it provided during a tough time.”

The O’Hara family’s gratitude extends beyond their personal experience. “The overall support that the Ronald McDonald House provides for all families is incredible,” Victoria reflects. “No one wants to be in a hospital situation, but the Ronald McDonald House made the experience more tolerable. It was a place where we could find some semblance of normalcy and comfort.”
Today, Willow is eight years old and thriving. The family’s journey, marked by resilience and the unwavering support of the Ronald McDonald House, underscores the importance of having such organizations available to families in need. “It felt nice being close to her while she was in the hospital,” Victoria adds. “The Ronald McDonald House was a crucial part of our journey, and we’re forever grateful for everything they did for us.”

The story of the O’Hara family is a testament to the profound impact of the Ronald McDonald House and its mission to support families during challenging times. As Willow continues to grow and flourish, the O’Hara family remains a living reminder of the hope, comfort, and community that the Ronald McDonald House provides.

Editor’s Note: On Saturday, September 7, AJ will join nearly 200 fellow Ohio law enforcement personnel who are also motorcycle enthusiasts in a club known as the Punishers Legend Chapter as they ride from Harlow Harley Davidson near Brice, Ohio to the Ronald McDonald House. The group will hold a fundraiser at the motorcycle shop and continue fundraising with a private event at the Ronald McDonald House where they expect to have their families spread joy with guest families staying at the House. The club will also pass by Nationwide Children’s Hospital on Children’s Drive to show support for families and children inside the hospital. The Legends Chapter is based in the O’Hara’s hometown, Newark, Ohio. You can learn more on the group’s Facebook page here.