By Ginger Tinkler, Volunteer
When I retired from 34 years of teaching, I was excited when a small group of women from our church asked me to join them in preparing a lunch for the families at Ronald McDonald House. I had always wanted to do volunteer work but never had the extra time to do so. I especially wanted to give back to the staff and hospital that had given so much to our family when my youngest grandson was diagnosed with infantile scoliosis when he was only a few months old. Nationwide Children’s Hospital and the Cincinnati Children’s provided all his care for the first three and a half years of his life. He still makes yearly trips to Cincinnati Children’s for check ups but he is well and no longer shows any signs of the disease. Little did I know that toward the end of last year, my granddaughter would be diagnosed with a rare disorder and require the services of the staff at Nationwide Children’s Hospital.
Our small group has grown in size and we are now able to provide two lunches a month. It doesn’t seem like I do much. I feel blessed that I can bring a brief respite to their lives. However, these families who are often facing far more difficult circumstances than my grandchildren, show me hope, their faith, and stubborn determination through their love for their children. Words cannot explain the blessings I receive when I volunteer at Ronald McDonald House. I am so grateful to be able to give back a little for all that my grandchildren have been given.