2024 Stats & Facts

Below is an overview of how RMHC of Central Ohio has impacted the community in 2024.

Two woman and a child at the Ronald McDonald House of Central Ohio

Nights of Rest

House icon with person in bed

7 nights was the average length of stay per family

House icon with a mother, father and child inside

1103 nights is the current longest stay

person sleeping in a bed icon

33,889 night of rest were provided to individuals in need

Locations Served

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4,808 families were served over the course of the year

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17 countries across the world had families served at the House

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44 states in the US had families served at the House

Volunteer Impact

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270 volunteers served on a weekly or biweekly basis

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29,594 hours of work from volunteers was donated over the year

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128 project groups volunteered to donate their time together

Meals & Activities

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609 meal groups provided warm homecooked meals

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24 programs and activities were offered to guests

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780 sessions of those programs & activities were offered 

Ohio Health logo

8,374 people served at OhioHealth Riverside Methodist Hospital’s Ronald McDonald Family Room

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7193 people served at Nationwide Children’s Hospital’s Big Lots Behavioral Health Pavilion Ronald McDonald Family Room

282 programs and activities sessions were offered in both Central Ohio Ronald McDonald Family Rooms

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126 children received medical and health education visits

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An additional 352 children received care in schools and centers

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17 locations were visited to provide care

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$976,080 was raised from the McDonald’s “Round-Up for RMHC” Campaign

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127 McDonald’s locations in Central Ohio participated in the Round-Up for RMHC program

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8 special contests took place to reward the highest fundraising stores in monthly competitions

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$349,879 was raised from the Vehicle Donation Program (VDP)

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332 vehicles were donated to the Vehicle Donation Program

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$192,000 was raised from cause marketing campaigns and food truck give backs

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299 food trucks supported RMHC of Central Ohio by donating a portion of their sales

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38 cause marketing fundraisers donated proceeds to the House in unique and different ways

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$1,100,564 was raised from the nine annual RMHC Signature Events

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$460,553 was raised from every community fundraiser held on behalf of the House

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76 guest rooms were annually adopted

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$32,000 was raised from 54 individual reoccurring donors