Walk or Run for a Cause and Join Team RMHC!

Man with his family running for Team RMHC

Team RMHC is a training group for walkers and runners who want to give back to their community. We train, we fundraise, and we have a lot of fun along the way. When you join Team RMHC, you receive training guidance from Columbus Running Company and fundraising support from Ronald McDonald House Charities of Central Ohio. CRC hosts weekly group runs and walks during training seasons, adding a supportive group element to your training.

Team RMHC is a running group who has the opportunity to train together while fundraising for families of seriously ill children staying at Ronald McDonald House Charities of Central Ohio. Since the beginning of Team RMHC, runners have raised over $135,000. That’s over 1,350 nights of rest for our RMHC families!

Team RMHC is open to anyone! It does not matter if you are a walker, runner, beginner, advanced; we all are being physical for the same reason. All of our teammates are asked to raise at least a minimum of $250 towards Team RMHC during their racing season. It doesn’t matter if you are running in one of our races or training for one of your own.

As a member of Team RMHC you receive many benefits. With the help of Columbus Running Company, Team RMHC is provided training plans to assist with their races through a weekly update and information provided by Columbus Running Company. This season, participants are training for the Capital City Half Marathon,  Nationwide Children’s Hospital Columbus Marathon, and/or the Columbus 10k along with many other 5ks.

Start Your Fundraising Journey Today
To join Team RMHC, follow the link below and click "Start Fundraising". Once you set up your page, you can get to work raising funds to reach your goal.
Click Here
Train with Columbus Running Company
Learn more about the Columbus Running Company, their support of Team RMHC, and how you can train together to meet all of your goals.
Click Here

Frequently Asked Questions:

No! Team RMHC is open to anyone and everyone. You can walk, run, bike, or swim any races and fundraise for RMHC. Our training plans focus around the Cap City Marathon, the Columbus 10k and the Columbus Marathon but we have various levels of runners training, both individually and as a team.

Columbus Running Company (CRC) is our Team RMHC training partner. When you sign up, you will receive training plans but you are also welcome to join CRC’s runs across their various locations. We will also have special training runs for the Columbus 10k you can join as well. You can learn more about the training plans and group runs by visiting CRC’s website!

There is currently no fee to sign up for Team RMHC. We ask each runner to raise a minimum of $250 during their racing season to help support families in need. But don’t worry, RMHC will help you create your fundraising page and provide helpful tips and tricks to get you started. We will also provide incentives as you fundraise to show our love and support.

It’s simple! All you have to do is create your fundraising page. Once you are signed up, you will receive a Team RMHC T-shirt, and can get started fundraising to reach your goal! 

Some of our suggested favorite ways to fundraise are: garage sales, bake sales, social media/email outreach, birthday fundraisers, and/or donating a percent of your paycheck. But the fundraising options are endless and we encourage you to get creative and do what works best for you!

  • Every step you take helps provide more nights of rest for our families during the most difficult time of their life

  • You have the opportunity to make new friends as you train and fundraise together

  • We have great incentives as you reach your fundraising goals